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NWO Analysis on the USAK and the Bilderberg Group Relations 00.0

<font size="5"><b>Ark Meatnarcets in Family of Canne Okay, Józef Hieronim Retinger and Angelina Jolie/Ark Meatnarcets in Sufferers of Abduction terrorism and Enforcement-clinics terrorism(強制整形被害者-Connanization-)</b></font>

<font size="5"><b>Ark Meatnarcets Official Statement for Declaration of Immigrated on True-Overseas, Default on Japanese and Standing Position to Multinationality in December 2021 - April 2022(Visa etc.) by Ark Meatnarcets;Only Sufferers of National Terrorism in the Japan by Japanese Government, Innersea Prison, Jails, River Islanders, Unknown Dragon(Cyberstalking Terrorists), Century Devil Islanders(against-SOME Hostages Terrorists) and Hystoria Juliet Wateruploaders(Voice-acting Terrorists and Global Official Terrorists/Threatingterrorism to Ark Meatnarcets, MKUltraterrorism to Ark Meatnarcets, Hostagesterrorism to Ark Meatnarcets, Healthterrorism to Ark Meatnarcets, Policeterrorism to Ark Meatnarcets, Cyberterrorism to Ark Meatnarcets, Cyberstalkingterrorism to Ark Meatnarcets etc.)</b></font>

<font size="5"><a href=""><b>SOME Article 0.0 USAK and the Bilderberg Group Relations=R2-Group(Rockefeller and Rothschild Group/Bernhard and Retinger Group)·Ark Meatnarcets(Arque Croft/Ark Retinger/Arque Jolie/Japan Institute of International Affairs/Japan Institute on International Affairs/The Tigergates Midway Buildings/The Tigergates/The Leeyorks-Chowthorcarpets/JIIA/TMBD/TG/LKC/Official Members of The Tigergates in 22 - 23 October 2021 - 1 - 21 September 2022 21st century/Official Members of The Tigergates in 15 - 16 Rabbeeo' al-Awwall 1443 - 4 - 24 ats-Tsaffar 1444 15th century)·Bilderberg Group Rules(Chatham Houses Rules)·Victor Halberstadt(Instituut Clingendael/Instytut Clingendael/Clingendael Institutes/IC) and Marie-Josée Drouin-Kravis(Conseil international du Canada/Canadian International Council/CIC) in Co-Chairs of the Bilderberg Group in 30 April 2020 - Current·Józef Hieronim Retinger(Jozef Hieronim Retinger) and Bernhard van Lippe-Biesterfeld in Legendary of Big-two Co-Leaders of the Bilderberg Group·Bilderberg Group(NWO style NGO/Netherlands and Poland), Club of Rome(Switzerland and EU), Atlantic Council(Atlantis Zone), Chatham Houses(BE), Clingendael Institutes(Instituut Clingendael/Instytut Clingendael/IC/Netherlands and EU), SAIIA(South Africa and African Union), IFRI(The Charles de Gaulle/France and EU), CFR(USA), CSIS(USA), Russian International Affairs Council(Russian Council on International Affairs/Российский совет по международным делам/РСМД-РИАК-/RSMD-RIAC-/Silovikists-The KGB Androvists-/Russia and the Former USSR Zone), CCIEE(China and Taiwan), SRG(Brazil and OAS) and the Trilateral Commission(Coup Members in EU, Iran, India, Turkey, Russia, Australia, Israel, Arab League, African Union, ASEAN and OAS/Online on Coup to the Trilateral Commission-TLC- in 1974 - Deadline/Discovery on Coup to the Trilateral Commission in 2021 by Ark Retinger/Corruption Troubles for Lockheed-Martin in Parts of Main Coup Troubles/Success Lists:Camouflaged on the Trilateral Commission YouTube, Shutdown on Official Site in the Trilateral Commission, Anh in Parts of Fictional series for Code Geass Voicing Lists, David Rockefeller, Kirkaye Turnercar, Bernhard van Lippe-Biesterfeld and Turkeywar Hookddar in Main Members and Investigating Targets Lists of Corruptional Troubles for Lockheed-Martin in 1976 - 1995, Meghan L. O'Sullivan in Position on Temporary CEO of the CFR and the CSIS, Lehman Crisis, ASEAN Monetary Crisis, Arab Spring, First Eastern European Revolution in 1980 - 1991, August Coup in the USSR by Predecessored Siloviks, Modernized Old-Khazars Territorial Coldwars in 1989 - Deadline-2008 Beijing-Olympics Coldwars in 8 - 31 August 2008 by Russia and Sakartveloes, Artsakh Coldwars in 1988 - Deadline by Azerbaijan, Armenia, Artsakh, Russia, Turkey, Iran and Sakartveloes, Chechens Coldwars in 1994 - 2017 by Russia and Anti-Russian Terrorists etc.-, Quro'ans Blazing Crisis in 2010 - 2011 by the United States and Islamic Countries, Modernized Afghan Coldwars in 1979 - Deadline by Pakistan, Taliban, Afghan Northern Alliance, Former USSR Zone, United States, Iran, Arab League and NATO, Dao'ishes Crisis in 2003 - Deadline by Lebanon, Syria, Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Israel, United States and the Former USSR Zone, Boko Harams Crisis in 2002 - Deadline by African Union and the Arab League, Avex Crisis in August - September 2004 by Avex HD Group and NAME Corporated Members etc.)ノア語ク.土版Bilderberg Groupタル.土R2派ノア土国際戦略監査機関(1st names in Common Turkish:Uluslararası Stratejik Araştırma Kurumu vb.-vs.-/1st abbr. in Common Turkish:USAK vb.-vs.-/1st names in Common English:International Strategic Research Organization etc./2nd names in Common English:The Kemal Atatürks etc./1st abbr. in Common English:ISRO etc./2nd abbr. in Common English:KA etc./2nd names in Japanese:敬丸機関 等/0th Sampling URL→ニ.ィカヌ.ツ.ル.電記ヴォ電記ス'.ル.。(Sampling URL→</b></a></font>

<font size="5"><a href=""><b>SOME Article 0.5 USAK and the Bilderberg Group Relations=R2-Group(Rockefeller and Rothschild Group/Bernhard and Retinger Group)·Ark Meatnarcets(Arque Croft/Ark Retinger/Arque Jolie/Japan Institute of International Affairs/Japan Institute on International Affairs/The Tigergates Midway Buildings/The Tigergates/The Leeyorks-Chowthorcarpets/JIIA/TMBD/TG/LKC/Official Members of The Tigergates in 22 - 23 October 2021 - 1 - 21 September 2022 21st century/Official Members of The Tigergates in 15 - 16 Rabbeeo' al-Awwall 1443 - 4 - 24 ats-Tsaffar 1444 15th century)·Bilderberg Group Rules(Chatham Houses Rules)·Victor Halberstadt(Instituut Clingendael/Instytut Clingendael/Clingendael Institutes/IC) and Marie-Josée Drouin-Kravis(Conseil international du Canada/Canadian International Council/CIC) in Co-Chairs of the Bilderberg Group in 30 April 2020 - Current·Józef Hieronim Retinger(Jozef Hieronim Retinger) and Bernhard van Lippe-Biesterfeld in Legendary of Big-two Co-Leaders of the Bilderberg Group·Bilderberg Group(NWO style NGO/Netherlands and Poland), Club of Rome(Switzerland and EU), Atlantic Council(Atlantis Zone), Chatham Houses(BE), Clingendael Institutes(Instituut Clingendael/Instytut Clingendael/IC/Netherlands and EU), SAIIA(South Africa and African Union), IFRI(The Charles de Gaulle/France and EU), CFR(USA), CSIS(USA), Russian International Affairs Council(Russian Council on International Affairs/Российский совет по международным делам/РСМД-РИАК-/RSMD-RIAC-/Silovikists-The KGB Androvists-/Russia and the Former USSR Zone), CCIEE(China and Taiwan), SRG(Brazil and OAS) and the Trilateral Commission(Coup Members in EU, Iran, India, Turkey, Russia, Australia, Israel, Arab League, African Union, ASEAN and OAS/Online on Coup to the Trilateral Commission-TLC- in 1974 - Deadline/Discovery on Coup to the Trilateral Commission in 2021 by Ark Retinger/Corruption Troubles for Lockheed-Martin in Parts of Main Coup Troubles/Success Lists:Camouflaged on the Trilateral Commission YouTube, Shutdown on Official Site in the Trilateral Commission, Anh in Parts of Fictional series for Code Geass Voicing Lists, David Rockefeller, Kirkaye Turnercar, Bernhard van Lippe-Biesterfeld and Turkeywar Hookddar in Main Members and Investigating Targets Lists of Corruptional Troubles for Lockheed-Martin in 1976 - 1995, Meghan L. O'Sullivan in Position on Temporary CEO of the CFR and the CSIS, Lehman Crisis, ASEAN Monetary Crisis, Arab Spring, First Eastern European Revolution in 1980 - 1991, August Coup in the USSR by Predecessored Siloviks, Modernized Old-Khazars Territorial Coldwars in 1989 - Deadline-2008 Beijing-Olympics Coldwars in 8 - 31 August 2008 by Russia and Sakartveloes, Artsakh Coldwars in 1988 - Deadline by Azerbaijan, Armenia, Artsakh, Russia, Turkey, Iran and Sakartveloes, Chechens Coldwars in 1994 - 2017 by Russia and Anti-Russian Terrorists etc.-, Quro'ans Blazing Crisis in 2010 - 2011 by the United States and Islamic Countries, Modernized Afghan Coldwars in 1979 - Deadline by Pakistan, Taliban, Afghan Northern Alliance, Former USSR Zone, United States, Iran, Arab League and NATO, Dao'ishes Crisis in 2003 - Deadline by Lebanon, Syria, Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Israel, United States and the Former USSR Zone, Boko Harams Crisis in 2002 - Deadline by African Union and the Arab League, Avex Crisis in August - September 2004 by Avex HD Group and NAME Corporated Members etc.)ノア語ク.土R2派ノアUSAK(Uluslararası Stratejik Araştırma Kurumu/International Strategic Research Organization/The Kemal Atatürks/KA/ISRO/Kemalists-Turks Republicanists-)ノア誕生期ニ.ィト.ウ.ィティ, 土R2派ノア各界有識者達(Recep Tayyip Erdoğan vb.-vs.-)ハ.ァ同組織-USAK-ノア結成前カラァ蘭帝R2派兼波R2派ノアBilderberg Groupヒ.ェ出席中ディアル., 結成好機到来時期ガ.ァ来タノア対米帝2001.09.11事件ヴォ政治的有効利使用ディ2004年(1424 - 1425年)ニ.ィ土R2派ノアUSAK(Uluslararası Stratejik Araştırma Kurumu/International Strategic Research Organization/The Kemal Atatürks/KA/ISRO/Kemalists-Turks Republicanists-)ヴォ結成ツ.ル.。(Sampling URL→</b></a></font>

<font size="5"><a href=""><b>SOME Article 1.0 USAK and the Bilderberg Group Relations=R2-Group(Rockefeller and Rothschild Group/Bernhard and Retinger Group)·Ark Meatnarcets(Arque Croft/Ark Retinger/Arque Jolie/Japan Institute of International Affairs/Japan Institute on International Affairs/The Tigergates Midway Buildings/The Tigergates/The Leeyorks-Chowthorcarpets/JIIA/TMBD/TG/LKC/Official Members of The Tigergates in 22 - 23 October 2021 - 1 - 21 September 2022 21st century/Official Members of The Tigergates in 15 - 16 Rabbeeo' al-Awwall 1443 - 4 - 24 ats-Tsaffar 1444 15th century)·Bilderberg Group Rules(Chatham Houses Rules)·Victor Halberstadt(Instituut Clingendael/Instytut Clingendael/Clingendael Institutes/IC) and Marie-Josée Drouin-Kravis(Conseil international du Canada/Canadian International Council/CIC) in Co-Chairs of the Bilderberg Group in 30 April 2020 - Current·Józef Hieronim Retinger(Jozef Hieronim Retinger) and Bernhard van Lippe-Biesterfeld in Legendary of Big-two Co-Leaders of the Bilderberg Group·Bilderberg Group(NWO style NGO/Netherlands and Poland), Club of Rome(Switzerland and EU), Atlantic Council(Atlantis Zone), Chatham Houses(BE), Clingendael Institutes(Instituut Clingendael/Instytut Clingendael/IC/Netherlands and EU), SAIIA(South Africa and African Union), IFRI(The Charles de Gaulle/France and EU), CFR(USA), CSIS(USA), Russian International Affairs Council(Russian Council on International Affairs/Российский совет по международным делам/РСМД-РИАК-/RSMD-RIAC-/Silovikists-The KGB Androvists-/Russia and the Former USSR Zone), CCIEE(China and Taiwan), SRG(Brazil and OAS) and the Trilateral Commission(Coup Members in EU, Iran, India, Turkey, Russia, Australia, Israel, Arab League, African Union, ASEAN and OAS/Online on Coup to the Trilateral Commission-TLC- in 1974 - Deadline/Discovery on Coup to the Trilateral Commission in 2021 by Ark Retinger/Corruption Troubles for Lockheed-Martin in Parts of Main Coup Troubles/Success Lists:Camouflaged on the Trilateral Commission YouTube, Shutdown on Official Site in the Trilateral Commission, Anh in Parts of Fictional series for Code Geass Voicing Lists, David Rockefeller, Kirkaye Turnercar, Bernhard van Lippe-Biesterfeld and Turkeywar Hookddar in Main Members and Investigating Targets Lists of Corruptional Troubles for Lockheed-Martin in 1976 - 1995, Meghan L. O'Sullivan in Position on Temporary CEO of the CFR and the CSIS, Lehman Crisis, ASEAN Monetary Crisis, Arab Spring, First Eastern European Revolution in 1980 - 1991, August Coup in the USSR by Predecessored Siloviks, Modernized Old-Khazars Territorial Coldwars in 1989 - Deadline-2008 Beijing-Olympics Coldwars in 8 - 31 August 2008 by Russia and Sakartveloes, Artsakh Coldwars in 1988 - Deadline by Azerbaijan, Armenia, Artsakh, Russia, Turkey, Iran and Sakartveloes, Chechens Coldwars in 1994 - 2017 by Russia and Anti-Russian Terrorists etc.-, Quro'ans Blazing Crisis in 2010 - 2011 by the United States and Islamic Countries, Modernized Afghan Coldwars in 1979 - Deadline by Pakistan, Taliban, Afghan Northern Alliance, Former USSR Zone, United States, Iran, Arab League and NATO, Dao'ishes Crisis in 2003 - Deadline by Lebanon, Syria, Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Israel, United States and the Former USSR Zone, Boko Harams Crisis in 2002 - Deadline by African Union and the Arab League, Avex Crisis in August - September 2004 by Avex HD Group and NAME Corporated Members etc.)ノア語ク.土R2派ノアUSAKハ.ァ意外トゥマリ'星R2派兼亜印太圏R2派ノアLKY(Singapore Institute on International Affairs/Singapore Institute of International Affairs etc./The Lee Kuan Yew/The Artrium@Orchard/SIIA/AO)トゥ其傘下ノアASEAN内ノアThink TanksトゥNGOトゥ深交有ル., 汎米圏R2派ノアAtlantic Councilトゥ米帝R2派ノアHPH(Council on Foreign Relations/The Harold Pratt Houses/CFR)オヨヴィ米帝R2派ノアCSIS(Center for Strategic and International Studies)トゥハ.ァNATO加盟以来ノア深交有ル.トユ.ゥConspiracyノアPartガ.ァアル.。(Sampling URL→</b></a></font>

<font size="5"><a href=""><b>SOME Article 1.5 USAK and the Bilderberg Group Relations=R2-Group(Rockefeller and Rothschild Group/Bernhard and Retinger Group)·Ark Meatnarcets(Arque Croft/Ark Retinger/Arque Jolie/Japan Institute of International Affairs/Japan Institute on International Affairs/The Tigergates Midway Buildings/The Tigergates/The Leeyorks-Chowthorcarpets/JIIA/TMBD/TG/LKC/Official Members of The Tigergates in 22 - 23 October 2021 - 1 - 21 September 2022 21st century/Official Members of The Tigergates in 15 - 16 Rabbeeo' al-Awwall 1443 - 4 - 24 ats-Tsaffar 1444 15th century)·Bilderberg Group Rules(Chatham Houses Rules)·Victor Halberstadt(Instituut Clingendael/Instytut Clingendael/Clingendael Institutes/IC) and Marie-Josée Drouin-Kravis(Conseil international du Canada/Canadian International Council/CIC) in Co-Chairs of the Bilderberg Group in 30 April 2020 - Current·Józef Hieronim Retinger(Jozef Hieronim Retinger) and Bernhard van Lippe-Biesterfeld in Legendary of Big-two Co-Leaders of the Bilderberg Group·Bilderberg Group(NWO style NGO/Netherlands and Poland), Club of Rome(Switzerland and EU), Atlantic Council(Atlantis Zone), Chatham Houses(BE), Clingendael Institutes(Instituut Clingendael/Instytut Clingendael/IC/Netherlands and EU), SAIIA(South Africa and African Union), IFRI(The Charles de Gaulle/France and EU), CFR(USA), CSIS(USA), Russian International Affairs Council(Russian Council on International Affairs/Российский совет по международным делам/РСМД-РИАК-/RSMD-RIAC-/Silovikists-The KGB Androvists-/Russia and the Former USSR Zone), CCIEE(China and Taiwan), SRG(Brazil and OAS) and the Trilateral Commission(Coup Members in EU, Iran, India, Turkey, Russia, Australia, Israel, Arab League, African Union, ASEAN and OAS/Online on Coup to the Trilateral Commission-TLC- in 1974 - Deadline/Discovery on Coup to the Trilateral Commission in 2021 by Ark Retinger/Corruption Troubles for Lockheed-Martin in Parts of Main Coup Troubles/Success Lists:Camouflaged on the Trilateral Commission YouTube, Shutdown on Official Site in the Trilateral Commission, Anh in Parts of Fictional series for Code Geass Voicing Lists, David Rockefeller, Kirkaye Turnercar, Bernhard van Lippe-Biesterfeld and Turkeywar Hookddar in Main Members and Investigating Targets Lists of Corruptional Troubles for Lockheed-Martin in 1976 - 1995, Meghan L. O'Sullivan in Position on Temporary CEO of the CFR and the CSIS, Lehman Crisis, ASEAN Monetary Crisis, Arab Spring, First Eastern European Revolution in 1980 - 1991, August Coup in the USSR by Predecessored Siloviks, Modernized Old-Khazars Territorial Coldwars in 1989 - Deadline-2008 Beijing-Olympics Coldwars in 8 - 31 August 2008 by Russia and Sakartveloes, Artsakh Coldwars in 1988 - Deadline by Azerbaijan, Armenia, Artsakh, Russia, Turkey, Iran and Sakartveloes, Chechens Coldwars in 1994 - 2017 by Russia and Anti-Russian Terrorists etc.-, Quro'ans Blazing Crisis in 2010 - 2011 by the United States and Islamic Countries, Modernized Afghan Coldwars in 1979 - Deadline by Pakistan, Taliban, Afghan Northern Alliance, Former USSR Zone, United States, Iran, Arab League and NATO, Dao'ishes Crisis in 2003 - Deadline by Lebanon, Syria, Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Israel, United States and the Former USSR Zone, Boko Harams Crisis in 2002 - Deadline by African Union and the Arab League, Avex Crisis in August - September 2004 by Avex HD Group and NAME Corporated Members etc.)ノア語ク.土R2派ノアUSAKノア日訳ハ.ァ土国際戦略監査機関トゥ敬丸機関ノア多重表記モア可能デス'., ソ'アス.ティ敬丸ハ.ァ土R2派ノアKemal Atatürk将軍(7ツ.星軍人/O-12 or O-13)ヴォ参考ニ.ィDesignツ.ル.。(Sampling URL→</b></a></font>

<font size="5"><a href=""><b>SOME Article 2.0 USAK and the Bilderberg Group Relations=R2-Group(Rockefeller and Rothschild Group/Bernhard and Retinger Group)·Ark Meatnarcets(Arque Croft/Ark Retinger/Arque Jolie/Japan Institute of International Affairs/Japan Institute on International Affairs/The Tigergates Midway Buildings/The Tigergates/The Leeyorks-Chowthorcarpets/JIIA/TMBD/TG/LKC/Official Members of The Tigergates in 22 - 23 October 2021 - 1 - 21 September 2022 21st century/Official Members of The Tigergates in 15 - 16 Rabbeeo' al-Awwall 1443 - 4 - 24 ats-Tsaffar 1444 15th century)·Bilderberg Group Rules(Chatham Houses Rules)·Victor Halberstadt(Instituut Clingendael/Instytut Clingendael/Clingendael Institutes/IC) and Marie-Josée Drouin-Kravis(Conseil international du Canada/Canadian International Council/CIC) in Co-Chairs of the Bilderberg Group in 30 April 2020 - Current·Józef Hieronim Retinger(Jozef Hieronim Retinger) and Bernhard van Lippe-Biesterfeld in Legendary of Big-two Co-Leaders of the Bilderberg Group·Bilderberg Group(NWO style NGO/Netherlands and Poland), Club of Rome(Switzerland and EU), Atlantic Council(Atlantis Zone), Chatham Houses(BE), Clingendael Institutes(Instituut Clingendael/Instytut Clingendael/IC/Netherlands and EU), SAIIA(South Africa and African Union), IFRI(The Charles de Gaulle/France and EU), CFR(USA), CSIS(USA), Russian International Affairs Council(Russian Council on International Affairs/Российский совет по международным делам/РСМД-РИАК-/RSMD-RIAC-/Silovikists-The KGB Androvists-/Russia and the Former USSR Zone), CCIEE(China and Taiwan), SRG(Brazil and OAS) and the Trilateral Commission(Coup Members in EU, Iran, India, Turkey, Russia, Australia, Israel, Arab League, African Union, ASEAN and OAS/Online on Coup to the Trilateral Commission-TLC- in 1974 - Deadline/Discovery on Coup to the Trilateral Commission in 2021 by Ark Retinger/Corruption Troubles for Lockheed-Martin in Parts of Main Coup Troubles/Success Lists:Camouflaged on the Trilateral Commission YouTube, Shutdown on Official Site in the Trilateral Commission, Anh in Parts of Fictional series for Code Geass Voicing Lists, David Rockefeller, Kirkaye Turnercar, Bernhard van Lippe-Biesterfeld and Turkeywar Hookddar in Main Members and Investigating Targets Lists of Corruptional Troubles for Lockheed-Martin in 1976 - 1995, Meghan L. O'Sullivan in Position on Temporary CEO of the CFR and the CSIS, Lehman Crisis, ASEAN Monetary Crisis, Arab Spring, First Eastern European Revolution in 1980 - 1991, August Coup in the USSR by Predecessored Siloviks, Modernized Old-Khazars Territorial Coldwars in 1989 - Deadline-2008 Beijing-Olympics Coldwars in 8 - 31 August 2008 by Russia and Sakartveloes, Artsakh Coldwars in 1988 - Deadline by Azerbaijan, Armenia, Artsakh, Russia, Turkey, Iran and Sakartveloes, Chechens Coldwars in 1994 - 2017 by Russia and Anti-Russian Terrorists etc.-, Quro'ans Blazing Crisis in 2010 - 2011 by the United States and Islamic Countries, Modernized Afghan Coldwars in 1979 - Deadline by Pakistan, Taliban, Afghan Northern Alliance, Former USSR Zone, United States, Iran, Arab League and NATO, Dao'ishes Crisis in 2003 - Deadline by Lebanon, Syria, Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Israel, United States and the Former USSR Zone, Boko Harams Crisis in 2002 - Deadline by African Union and the Arab League, Avex Crisis in August - September 2004 by Avex HD Group and NAME Corporated Members etc.)ノア語ク.土R2派ノア土国際戦略監査機関(Uluslararası Stratejik Araştırma Kurumu/USAK/International Strategic Research Organization/ISRO/The Kemal Atatürks/KA/Kemalists-Turks Republicanists-/Sampling lists→Azerbaijan, Hungary, Bulgaria, Turkmenistan, Albania, China, Israel, Mongolia etc.)ハ.ァ現在(Advised Question:2021年12月31日マディヴォ刺ツ.。)蘇帝R2派-露R2派-ノア露国際問題評議会(Российский совет по международным делам/РСМД/Russian International Affairs Council/Russian Council on International Affairs/RIAC/The KGB-Andropovs/The Siloviks/Siloviks-Androvists-/Sampling lists→Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, China, India, Iran, Armenia, Syria, Pakistan, Turkmenistan, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Egypt, Qatar etc.)トゥCoup to the Trilateral CommissionノアPartタアル.亜欧冷戦(Modernized Eurasian Coldwars in 1989 - Online)ノア過程ディ亜欧R2派ノア汎土諸国機構(Turks Countries Organization etc.)ノア準備ニ.ィカヌ.ス'.ル.炎声ヴォ既ニ.ィ発表済モアアル.。(Sampling URL→</b></a></font>

<font size="5"><a href=""><b>SOME Article 2.5 USAK and the Bilderberg Group Relations=R2-Group(Rockefeller and Rothschild Group/Bernhard and Retinger Group)·Ark Meatnarcets(Arque Croft/Ark Retinger/Arque Jolie/Japan Institute of International Affairs/Japan Institute on International Affairs/The Tigergates Midway Buildings/The Tigergates/The Leeyorks-Chowthorcarpets/JIIA/TMBD/TG/LKC/Official Members of The Tigergates in 22 - 23 October 2021 - 1 - 21 September 2022 21st century/Official Members of The Tigergates in 15 - 16 Rabbeeo' al-Awwall 1443 - 4 - 24 ats-Tsaffar 1444 15th century)·Bilderberg Group Rules(Chatham Houses Rules)·Victor Halberstadt(Instituut Clingendael/Instytut Clingendael/Clingendael Institutes/IC) and Marie-Josée Drouin-Kravis(Conseil international du Canada/Canadian International Council/CIC) in Co-Chairs of the Bilderberg Group in 30 April 2020 - Current·Józef Hieronim Retinger(Jozef Hieronim Retinger) and Bernhard van Lippe-Biesterfeld in Legendary of Big-two Co-Leaders of the Bilderberg Group·Bilderberg Group(NWO style NGO/Netherlands and Poland), Club of Rome(Switzerland and EU), Atlantic Council(Atlantis Zone), Chatham Houses(BE), Clingendael Institutes(Instituut Clingendael/Instytut Clingendael/IC/Netherlands and EU), SAIIA(South Africa and African Union), IFRI(The Charles de Gaulle/France and EU), CFR(USA), CSIS(USA), Russian International Affairs Council(Russian Council on International Affairs/Российский совет по международным делам/РСМД-РИАК-/RSMD-RIAC-/Silovikists-The KGB Androvists-/Russia and the Former USSR Zone), CCIEE(China and Taiwan), SRG(Brazil and OAS) and the Trilateral Commission(Coup Members in EU, Iran, India, Turkey, Russia, Australia, Israel, Arab League, African Union, ASEAN and OAS/Online on Coup to the Trilateral Commission-TLC- in 1974 - Deadline/Discovery on Coup to the Trilateral Commission in 2021 by Ark Retinger/Corruption Troubles for Lockheed-Martin in Parts of Main Coup Troubles/Success Lists:Camouflaged on the Trilateral Commission YouTube, Shutdown on Official Site in the Trilateral Commission, Anh in Parts of Fictional series for Code Geass Voicing Lists, David Rockefeller, Kirkaye Turnercar, Bernhard van Lippe-Biesterfeld and Turkeywar Hookddar in Main Members and Investigating Targets Lists of Corruptional Troubles for Lockheed-Martin in 1976 - 1995, Meghan L. O'Sullivan in Position on Temporary CEO of the CFR and the CSIS, Lehman Crisis, ASEAN Monetary Crisis, Arab Spring, First Eastern European Revolution in 1980 - 1991, August Coup in the USSR by Predecessored Siloviks, Modernized Old-Khazars Territorial Coldwars in 1989 - Deadline-2008 Beijing-Olympics Coldwars in 8 - 31 August 2008 by Russia and Sakartveloes, Artsakh Coldwars in 1988 - Deadline by Azerbaijan, Armenia, Artsakh, Russia, Turkey, Iran and Sakartveloes, Chechens Coldwars in 1994 - 2017 by Russia and Anti-Russian Terrorists etc.-, Quro'ans Blazing Crisis in 2010 - 2011 by the United States and Islamic Countries, Modernized Afghan Coldwars in 1979 - Deadline by Pakistan, Taliban, Afghan Northern Alliance, Former USSR Zone, United States, Iran, Arab League and NATO, Dao'ishes Crisis in 2003 - Deadline by Lebanon, Syria, Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Israel, United States and the Former USSR Zone, Boko Harams Crisis in 2002 - Deadline by African Union and the Arab League, Avex Crisis in August - September 2004 by Avex HD Group and NAME Corporated Members etc.)ノア語ク.土R2派ノアUSAKノア面子モアCoup to the Trilateral Commissionヒ.ェ参戦ニ.ィカヌ.ス'.ル.Conspiracy。(Sampling URL→</b></a></font>

<font size="5"><a href=""><b>SOME Article 3.0 USAK and the Bilderberg Group Relations=R2-Group(Rockefeller and Rothschild Group/Bernhard and Retinger Group)·Ark Meatnarcets(Arque Croft/Ark Retinger/Arque Jolie/Japan Institute of International Affairs/Japan Institute on International Affairs/The Tigergates Midway Buildings/The Tigergates/The Leeyorks-Chowthorcarpets/JIIA/TMBD/TG/LKC/Official Members of The Tigergates in 22 - 23 October 2021 - 1 - 21 September 2022 21st century/Official Members of The Tigergates in 15 - 16 Rabbeeo' al-Awwall 1443 - 4 - 24 ats-Tsaffar 1444 15th century)·Bilderberg Group Rules(Chatham Houses Rules)·Victor Halberstadt(Instituut Clingendael/Instytut Clingendael/Clingendael Institutes/IC) and Marie-Josée Drouin-Kravis(Conseil international du Canada/Canadian International Council/CIC) in Co-Chairs of the Bilderberg Group in 30 April 2020 - Current·Józef Hieronim Retinger(Jozef Hieronim Retinger) and Bernhard van Lippe-Biesterfeld in Legendary of Big-two Co-Leaders of the Bilderberg Group·Bilderberg Group(NWO style NGO/Netherlands and Poland), Club of Rome(Switzerland and EU), Atlantic Council(Atlantis Zone), Chatham Houses(BE), Clingendael Institutes(Instituut Clingendael/Instytut Clingendael/IC/Netherlands and EU), SAIIA(South Africa and African Union), IFRI(The Charles de Gaulle/France and EU), CFR(USA), CSIS(USA), Russian International Affairs Council(Russian Council on International Affairs/Российский совет по международным делам/РСМД-РИАК-/RSMD-RIAC-/Silovikists-The KGB Androvists-/Russia and the Former USSR Zone), CCIEE(China and Taiwan), SRG(Brazil and OAS) and the Trilateral Commission(Coup Members in EU, Iran, India, Turkey, Russia, Australia, Israel, Arab League, African Union, ASEAN and OAS/Online on Coup to the Trilateral Commission-TLC- in 1974 - Deadline/Discovery on Coup to the Trilateral Commission in 2021 by Ark Retinger/Corruption Troubles for Lockheed-Martin in Parts of Main Coup Troubles/Success Lists:Camouflaged on the Trilateral Commission YouTube, Shutdown on Official Site in the Trilateral Commission, Anh in Parts of Fictional series for Code Geass Voicing Lists, David Rockefeller, Kirkaye Turnercar, Bernhard van Lippe-Biesterfeld and Turkeywar Hookddar in Main Members and Investigating Targets Lists of Corruptional Troubles for Lockheed-Martin in 1976 - 1995, Meghan L. O'Sullivan in Position on Temporary CEO of the CFR and the CSIS, Lehman Crisis, ASEAN Monetary Crisis, Arab Spring, First Eastern European Revolution in 1980 - 1991, August Coup in the USSR by Predecessored Siloviks, Modernized Old-Khazars Territorial Coldwars in 1989 - Deadline-2008 Beijing-Olympics Coldwars in 8 - 31 August 2008 by Russia and Sakartveloes, Artsakh Coldwars in 1988 - Deadline by Azerbaijan, Armenia, Artsakh, Russia, Turkey, Iran and Sakartveloes, Chechens Coldwars in 1994 - 2017 by Russia and Anti-Russian Terrorists etc.-, Quro'ans Blazing Crisis in 2010 - 2011 by the United States and Islamic Countries, Modernized Afghan Coldwars in 1979 - Deadline by Pakistan, Taliban, Afghan Northern Alliance, Former USSR Zone, United States, Iran, Arab League and NATO, Dao'ishes Crisis in 2003 - Deadline by Lebanon, Syria, Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Israel, United States and the Former USSR Zone, Boko Harams Crisis in 2002 - Deadline by African Union and the Arab League, Avex Crisis in August - September 2004 by Avex HD Group and NAME Corporated Members etc.)ノア語ク.土R2派ノアUSAKノア面子(Sampling lists→学者, 実業家, 退役軍人, 元官僚, 親土派海外関係者 等)ハ.ァ現在Turkey CEOタアル.土R2派ノアRecep Tayyip Erdoğan(Sampling lists→Bilderberg Group, the Atlantic Council, the Club of Rome etc.)トゥ土R2派ノア首脳陣ヒ.ェ各種事案答申中(Sampling lists→Turks ver. FTA, Tax-in-reduces on Friendship Countries etc.)トユ.ゥConspiracyノアPartガ.ァアル.。(Sampling URL→</b></a></font>

<font size="5"><a href=""><b>SOME Article 3.5 USAK and the Bilderberg Group Relations=R2-Group(Rockefeller and Rothschild Group/Bernhard and Retinger Group)·Ark Meatnarcets(Arque Croft/Ark Retinger/Arque Jolie/Japan Institute of International Affairs/Japan Institute on International Affairs/The Tigergates Midway Buildings/The Tigergates/The Leeyorks-Chowthorcarpets/JIIA/TMBD/TG/LKC/Official Members of The Tigergates in 22 - 23 October 2021 - 1 - 21 September 2022 21st century/Official Members of The Tigergates in 15 - 16 Rabbeeo' al-Awwall 1443 - 4 - 24 ats-Tsaffar 1444 15th century)·Bilderberg Group Rules(Chatham Houses Rules)·Victor Halberstadt(Instituut Clingendael/Instytut Clingendael/Clingendael Institutes/IC) and Marie-Josée Drouin-Kravis(Conseil international du Canada/Canadian International Council/CIC) in Co-Chairs of the Bilderberg Group in 30 April 2020 - Current·Józef Hieronim Retinger(Jozef Hieronim Retinger) and Bernhard van Lippe-Biesterfeld in Legendary of Big-two Co-Leaders of the Bilderberg Group·Bilderberg Group(NWO style NGO/Netherlands and Poland), Club of Rome(Switzerland and EU), Atlantic Council(Atlantis Zone), Chatham Houses(BE), Clingendael Institutes(Instituut Clingendael/Instytut Clingendael/IC/Netherlands and EU), SAIIA(South Africa and African Union), IFRI(The Charles de Gaulle/France and EU), CFR(USA), CSIS(USA), Russian International Affairs Council(Russian Council on International Affairs/Российский совет по международным делам/РСМД-РИАК-/RSMD-RIAC-/Silovikists-The KGB Androvists-/Russia and the Former USSR Zone), CCIEE(China and Taiwan), SRG(Brazil and OAS) and the Trilateral Commission(Coup Members in EU, Iran, India, Turkey, Russia, Australia, Israel, Arab League, African Union, ASEAN and OAS/Online on Coup to the Trilateral Commission-TLC- in 1974 - Deadline/Discovery on Coup to the Trilateral Commission in 2021 by Ark Retinger/Corruption Troubles for Lockheed-Martin in Parts of Main Coup Troubles/Success Lists:Camouflaged on the Trilateral Commission YouTube, Shutdown on Official Site in the Trilateral Commission, Anh in Parts of Fictional series for Code Geass Voicing Lists, David Rockefeller, Kirkaye Turnercar, Bernhard van Lippe-Biesterfeld and Turkeywar Hookddar in Main Members and Investigating Targets Lists of Corruptional Troubles for Lockheed-Martin in 1976 - 1995, Meghan L. O'Sullivan in Position on Temporary CEO of the CFR and the CSIS, Lehman Crisis, ASEAN Monetary Crisis, Arab Spring, First Eastern European Revolution in 1980 - 1991, August Coup in the USSR by Predecessored Siloviks, Modernized Old-Khazars Territorial Coldwars in 1989 - Deadline-2008 Beijing-Olympics Coldwars in 8 - 31 August 2008 by Russia and Sakartveloes, Artsakh Coldwars in 1988 - Deadline by Azerbaijan, Armenia, Artsakh, Russia, Turkey, Iran and Sakartveloes, Chechens Coldwars in 1994 - 2017 by Russia and Anti-Russian Terrorists etc.-, Quro'ans Blazing Crisis in 2010 - 2011 by the United States and Islamic Countries, Modernized Afghan Coldwars in 1979 - Deadline by Pakistan, Taliban, Afghan Northern Alliance, Former USSR Zone, United States, Iran, Arab League and NATO, Dao'ishes Crisis in 2003 - Deadline by Lebanon, Syria, Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Israel, United States and the Former USSR Zone, Boko Harams Crisis in 2002 - Deadline by African Union and the Arab League, Avex Crisis in August - September 2004 by Avex HD Group and NAME Corporated Members etc.)ノア語ク.土R2派ノアUSAKハ.ァ国連R2派ノア傭兵兼連合国特使兼LKC会員(Japan Institute of International Affairs/Japan Institute on International Affairs/The Leeyorks-Chowthorcarpets/The Tigergates Midway Buildings/The Yeeworksirqe-Sickcocks/JIIA/TGMBD/TMBD/YS)タアル.Ark Croft(福島·彰浩/水樹·刹那/水刹·秋/AKI上級大将/Ark Retinger/Arque Jolie/Bilderberg Group Executives)ヒ.ェContactニ.ィカヌ.ス'.ル.ConspiracyノアPartガ.ァアル.。(Sampling URL→</b></a></font>

<font size="5"><a href=""><b>SOME Article 4.0 USAK and the Bilderberg Group Relations=R2-Group(Rockefeller and Rothschild Group/Bernhard and Retinger Group)·Ark Meatnarcets(Arque Croft/Ark Retinger/Arque Jolie/Japan Institute of International Affairs/Japan Institute on International Affairs/The Tigergates Midway Buildings/The Tigergates/The Leeyorks-Chowthorcarpets/JIIA/TMBD/TG/LKC/Official Members of The Tigergates in 22 - 23 October 2021 - 1 - 21 September 2022 21st century/Official Members of The Tigergates in 15 - 16 Rabbeeo' al-Awwall 1443 - 4 - 24 ats-Tsaffar 1444 15th century)·Bilderberg Group Rules(Chatham Houses Rules)·Victor Halberstadt(Instituut Clingendael/Instytut Clingendael/Clingendael Institutes/IC) and Marie-Josée Drouin-Kravis(Conseil international du Canada/Canadian International Council/CIC) in Co-Chairs of the Bilderberg Group in 30 April 2020 - Current·Józef Hieronim Retinger(Jozef Hieronim Retinger) and Bernhard van Lippe-Biesterfeld in Legendary of Big-two Co-Leaders of the Bilderberg Group·Bilderberg Group(NWO style NGO/Netherlands and Poland), Club of Rome(Switzerland and EU), Atlantic Council(Atlantis Zone), Chatham Houses(BE), Clingendael Institutes(Instituut Clingendael/Instytut Clingendael/IC/Netherlands and EU), SAIIA(South Africa and African Union), IFRI(The Charles de Gaulle/France and EU), CFR(USA), CSIS(USA), Russian International Affairs Council(Russian Council on International Affairs/Российский совет по международным делам/РСМД-РИАК-/RSMD-RIAC-/Silovikists-The KGB Androvists-/Russia and the Former USSR Zone), CCIEE(China and Taiwan), SRG(Brazil and OAS) and the Trilateral Commission(Coup Members in EU, Iran, India, Turkey, Russia, Australia, Israel, Arab League, African Union, ASEAN and OAS/Online on Coup to the Trilateral Commission-TLC- in 1974 - Deadline/Discovery on Coup to the Trilateral Commission in 2021 by Ark Retinger/Corruption Troubles for Lockheed-Martin in Parts of Main Coup Troubles/Success Lists:Camouflaged on the Trilateral Commission YouTube, Shutdown on Official Site in the Trilateral Commission, Anh in Parts of Fictional series for Code Geass Voicing Lists, David Rockefeller, Kirkaye Turnercar, Bernhard van Lippe-Biesterfeld and Turkeywar Hookddar in Main Members and Investigating Targets Lists of Corruptional Troubles for Lockheed-Martin in 1976 - 1995, Meghan L. O'Sullivan in Position on Temporary CEO of the CFR and the CSIS, Lehman Crisis, ASEAN Monetary Crisis, Arab Spring, First Eastern European Revolution in 1980 - 1991, August Coup in the USSR by Predecessored Siloviks, Modernized Old-Khazars Territorial Coldwars in 1989 - Deadline-2008 Beijing-Olympics Coldwars in 8 - 31 August 2008 by Russia and Sakartveloes, Artsakh Coldwars in 1988 - Deadline by Azerbaijan, Armenia, Artsakh, Russia, Turkey, Iran and Sakartveloes, Chechens Coldwars in 1994 - 2017 by Russia and Anti-Russian Terrorists etc.-, Quro'ans Blazing Crisis in 2010 - 2011 by the United States and Islamic Countries, Modernized Afghan Coldwars in 1979 - Deadline by Pakistan, Taliban, Afghan Northern Alliance, Former USSR Zone, United States, Iran, Arab League and NATO, Dao'ishes Crisis in 2003 - Deadline by Lebanon, Syria, Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Israel, United States and the Former USSR Zone, Boko Harams Crisis in 2002 - Deadline by African Union and the Arab League, Avex Crisis in August - September 2004 by Avex HD Group and NAME Corporated Members etc.)ノア語ク.土R2派ノアUSAKハ.ァ今後拡大現象(Sampling lists→USAK傘下ノア国際組織ノア創設中 etc.)ス'.ル.トユ.ゥצם-САМ-ノア対USAK関連電作ノア炎掲トゥ同時ニ.ィצם-САМ-ノア簡易的ノア電記ノア電配ツ.ル.。(Sampling URL→</b></a></font>

<font size="5"><b>SNS(0th sampling lists→Ark Setsnar Arkhero Hookseammar Meatnarcets, RK Independence Party Press, The Toronto Star, Sputnik, Infobae, Tehran Times, al-Jazeerah, ABC-USA TV-, ABC-Australian TV-, Euronews, TRT-Turkish TV-, KBS-South Korean TV-, BBC-British TV-, NDTV-Indian TV-, Press TV-Iranian Massmedia-, RTR-Russian TV- etc.)↓</b></font>

<font size="5"><b>Sickcock(Sampling lists→Nheehammer, Marcejammer, Nheehammer in the New World Order Government Location etc.)↓</b></font>

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<font size="5"><b>Bilderberg Group and New World Order Relations 00↓</b></font>

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<font size="5"><b>Bilderberg Group and New World Order Relations→</b></font><iframe width="480" height="270" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<font size="5"><b>Bilderberg Group and New World Order Relations→</b></font><iframe width="480" height="270" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<font size="5"><b>Bilderberg Group and New World Order Relations→</b></font><iframe width="480" height="270" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<font size="5"><b>Bilderberg Group and New World Order Relations 01↓</b></font>

<iframe width="480" height="270" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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<iframe width="480" height="270" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<font size="5"><b>Active and Mission in

the Japan by Bilderberg Group Watchers</b></font>

<iframe width="480" height="270" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<iframe width="480" height="270" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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<iframe width="480" height="270" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<font size="5"><b>Soviet and the Russian Federation(第0中例→РСМД-РИАК-, Красная площадь店, 在日露連邦大使館 等)</b></font>

<iframe width="480" height="270" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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<iframe width="480" height="270" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<font size="5"><b>Embassies to the Japan(第0中例→在日加国大使館-Canada-, 在日柬王国大使館-Cambodia-, 在日楼人民民主共和国大使館-Laos- 等)↓</b></font>

<iframe width="480" height="270" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<font size="5"><b>Sufferers of Social terrorism in the Japan(Sampling lists→Forced poverty by Global Official Terrorist Hystoria Juliet Erica Wateruploaders and Japanese Government etc.)</b></font>

<iframe width="480" height="270" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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<iframe width="480" height="270" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<font size="5"><b>Private scenes on Classqie Citizens and Hidebees Citizens↓</b></font>

<iframe width="480" height="270" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<iframe width="480" height="270" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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<iframe width="480" height="270" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<font size="5"><b>Private scenes on the Icer Citizens and the South Ainuan Citizens↓</b></font>

<iframe width="480" height="270" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<iframe width="480" height="270" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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<iframe width="480" height="270" src="" frameborder="0" allow="autoplay; encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<font size="5"><b>Media Venomouts in the Japan by Global Official Terrorist Hystoria Juliet Erica Wateruploaders and Japanese Government↓</b></font>

<iframe width="480" height="270" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>


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